Monday, April 8, 2019

Kadaknath’s Comparative benefits over broiler eggs

The specialty about Kadaknath Chicken Eggs

Eggs are good for old age people and growing kids as it is rich in amino acids and less in cholesterol. Kadaknath Eggs are having high medicinal values.

Ideal Nutrition for Muscle & Bodybuilding, Improving Immune System, Cardiac, Diabetes, TB, Asthma, & High BP Patients, Healthy Development Of Children, Enhanced Resistance Among  The Elderly.

Remedially Helpful in Irregular Menstrual Cycles,  Improving Fertility In Women, Increasing RBC & Haemoglobin, Chronic Fatigue & Irritability, Migraines & Post-delivery Headaches, Inflammation Of Kidneys, De-pigmentation Of Skin, Weakened Bones.

Linoleic Acid

Kadaknath eggs are having more protein than normal eggs. These eggs are very low production (80 to 120 per bird/year) and people use those eggs for hatching. Higher Levels of - 18 essential Amino Acids & Hormones out of which 8 are essential for the human and rich in the hormone. Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C & E, Niacin, Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Nicotinic Acids, etc.
Now you are smart enough to choose proper nutrition for your healthy life.
To improve and maintain your health get the Kadakanth Eggs today Call on 8766805210

Kadaknath Chicken Soup

Scoop the healthy and tasty special Kadaknath soup...try it now!!

  • Kadaknath chicken skinned and cut 12 pieces
  • Add water according to the servings
  • Butter: 55g/2oz
  • Red chilly powder: 1 tbsp
  • Fennel pwd: ½ tbsp
  • Minced mint leaves 1 tablespoon
  • Coriander powder 2 teaspoon
  • Sticks celery, finely chopped - 2
  • Pepper pwd: 2 tbsp
  • Turmeric pwd: ¼ tbsp
  • Onions, sliced: 2
  • Carrots, finely diced: 2
  • Tomato: 1
  • Green chilly: 2
  • Yogurt: 2 tbsp
  • Ginger garlic paste: 1 tbsp
  • Fresh lemon juice: 1 tbsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Saffron - 2 pinches
  • Sliced & slit green chili – 4

  1. Cook the Chicken pieces well for around 45-50 mins.
  2. Melt the butter in a large saucepan over medium heat and fry the onions, celery (अजवायन), and carrots gently until they start to soften.
  3. Mix and Stir in the flour and cook for 2 minutes.
  4. You can then add the chicken stock/broth and let the mixture to the boil, stirring as you do so.
  5. Flavor it with salt and pepper, reduce the heat until the mixture is simmering and boil it gently for 10 minutes until the vegetables are tender.
  6. Add the cooked chicken and cook until heated through.
  7. Adjust the flavor, stir in the parsley and serve.

  • Cook’s Note about the healthy soup

  1. You can add other ingredients, corn, mushrooms to this soup.
  2. To minimize the water evaporation, clay pot, cast iron pot, and high-pressure cooker are the ideal tools.
Get Kadakanth chicken on
Call us on 8766805210

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Pick The right Kadaknath

To all Kadaknath Lovers,
Be Alert and don’t get APRIL FOOLED

Pick The right Kadaknath from the market...
Original, Organic and 100% pure

We as Kadaknath Agro World is the leading producer of black meat chicken. We have a trademark of our brand name “Kadaknath”. Our team is specialized in growing Kadaknath with a fully natural method, we take special care of the Kadaknath breed.
As compared to the broiler chicken Kadaknath is more expensive because the Cost of rearing a Kadaknath alone is nearly four times higher than that of a broiler chicken. This is the reason why Kadaknath is known as ‘premium-chicken’. 
Kadaknath the pure breed, but some by crossbreeding it and sell it as original one so Be Alert and don’t get APRIL FOOLED. We are solely dedicated to bringing to you only the purest of kadaknath breed products. We are extremely careful about ensuring that our customers, be they farmers or the consumers of our retail products feel delighted in being associated with us. Our primary mission is to provide supreme quality, original and organic Kadaknath eggs & meat, and for this sole reason, we’ve spent countless man hours in building a world-class infrastructure that is not only capable of supreme quality products but also considers all ethical animal treatment measures.

Get Original Kadaknath on Kadaknath Agro World
Contact on: 8766805210
For more information Meet kadaknath

Monday, April 1, 2019

Say Yes to KADAKNATH in Summer

Should we or shouldn't we eat eggs in summer?

       It is a misconception that eating eggs in summer can be unhealthy. It is completely okay to have eggs in summer, though in some limits. They are loaded with different vitamins and minerals to keep your energy level high and so are important. Eggs have a tendency to produce heat in our body and then it can cause indigestion and discomfort. Eggs may cause heat in the body, but if eaten in limits may prove to be excellent wholesome foods. Having more than 2 eggs a day may cause your body to heat up further leading to problems so It is advised that you can eat up to 2 eggs a day.

• Eggs make the richest source of nutrients and are called superfoods
• It can produce heat in our body and cause indigestion
• It is advised that you can eat up to two eggs a day
• Eggs are nutritious, tasty and easy food for you and your family.
• You can different dishes from eggs here are lots of egg recipes and ideas that can make it more nutritious and tasty.
• For most people, the benefits of eating eggs outweigh the risks.

            So this summer say yes to eggs don’t let your body compromise in fitness and health. Stay fit and healthy with Kadaknath eggs with low fat and high nutrition, and much more health benefits.

So get this summer eggs on Kadaknath or on Kadaknath eggs